Thursday, Its basically the beginning of Le weekend. So preparations gotta start somewhere. Heading out with me bezzies tomorrow night and got to be look fresh so the getting ready process started tonight #beingagirlproblems. I was in Boots last week and picked up a few new products so thought I'd share them with y'all. Is it just me or is it impossible to go into that shop and buy nothing-_-
Heres a few things I picked up which are new essentials for my getting ready/every day prep:)
First is a good body exfoliator, which is necessary for achieving a non streaky/smooth tan. My current favorite is Soap and Glorys "The Big Scrub". The smell of there products is divine and I just wanna eat it! Though you REALLY shouldn't. Its nine euro for a good sized tub of it, and I use it probably once a week so it lasts a good four or five uses.
On the topic of exfoliators the best facial one in my opinion has to be the "St Ives Apricot Scrub". I use the invigorating one, the product gets raved about left right and center and it deserves every single bit. Some facial exfoliators I feel like they do nothing, and you don't get a good noticable scrub out of the beads. This is so not the case with this one, there quite thick beads but not to thick and you can feel them actually doing something. This scrub really does leave your skin glowing and its only about five euro in boots.

I've been trying out a few self tanners lately and recently picked up the "Garnier Ambre Soleil" spray as it was on offer. This product has its good and bad points but it does give a good color. My main peeve about it is it sprays on like spray tan, clear, so its kind of hard to judge what its really going to be like if your doing it yourself. It says no streaks on the bottle but I got quite a few, this could just be down to me being a rookie but I dunno:) I used Sally Hansen in Tan Glow over it to hide the few streaks and it looked good as new!
My tanning tag team;)
I was on the hunt for a new moisturiser in Boots the other day and picked up this little gem. It was on the bottom shelf and kind of hidden, the simple yet classic 30's style packaging was what caught my eye. It looks so old skool on my desk. Its from the Boots Traditional skin care range. I've never purchased anything from it before but I definitely will be back back to get a few of the other bits as I'm very impressed by it. Its a really nice rich cream and leaves your skin feeling great, I have sensitive skin so was a bit worried I'd break out as it was only four euro, I know price snob! but its been amazing so far.

Another skin care fave I recently picked up is the Simple Moisture Boost Hydro Cream. I've never heard about it before but whenever I go into Boots theres either none left or only a few. This was the last one there the day I went in so I grabbed it. I think this works well as a good base for make up, its very hydrating so foundation appears flawless and natural over. I mixed it with my Vitalumiere Aqua and it was a lovely change for day time, as my skin felt so fresh and got a good breather:) It contains Vitamins B&E which smooth, soften, and repair skin. It also contains zero coloring or perfume.