Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Collars and Kisses

Why hello there:)
Well today was a pretty standard day. Woke up, lay in bed for a solid hour motivating myself to actually get up, put on ma face, etc etc.. Met up with two old friends I hadn't seen in awhile and had a serious catch up, mad how much changes when you leave school. We made plans for a local pub crawl this Friday which I can't wait for! Is it just me or is getting ready half the fun of a night out:P I love it!
Sadly I had to leave my friends after like an hour because I had to go to work, not fair. It was a bit of a mad day cause sales and what not, apperentley there was people queing up outside River Island from half 5 that morning, which utterly baffles me. I'd say the bargains were amazing, but I could never do that cause bed is just too good and snuggly at that time.

My outfit is pretty plain and as you could probably tell from my post yesterday I tend to favor darker colors. I was feeling summery today hence the floral shirt. I love this style of shirt lately I just think it looks really funky all buttoned up and paired with anything on bottom. It looks really cute and Grease-esque with cons. 

In these pictures I have a new favorite lip combo of mine. I've been loving bright colors and glosses lately, and in these snaps I'm wearing MAC Viva Glam Nicki, then I go over that with my Revlon lip butter in Sweet Tart, then Collection 2000's Lock N Hold Lipgloss in Body Pop 1:) 3 lip products is probably unnessesary but oh well. 

The 3 best friends that anyone could have:)

Oh also, a picture of my make up from the other night. Was bored waiting on my dad in the shop so decided to be the crazy lady sitting in the car on her own taking pictures of herself with her eyes closed. PHEW! That is a mighty long title.

My plans for the night include:
Bed + Coffee ( tea=bleurgh ) + PJ's + Fifty Shades of Grey = Night sorted!
Yep I jumped on the Fifty Shades bandwagon, and I'm actually really liking it. Don't know what that says about my character:/ Its such an easy read and I haven't been able to put it down since I got it!



  1. your outfit is so cute. i like the sleeveless shirt.

  2. You look adorable, the shirt is lovely! Beautiful makeup:)
    You have a nice blog! I'd love if you checked out my blog, and if you like it, can we follow each other? I promise I’ll follow you back!


    "Saúde & Beleza - Health & Beauty"

  3. Thank you so much for your lovely comment and for follow!!!! I’m following you back now :)
    Unfortunately you haven't “bloglovin”, but if you decide to add it on your blog, please let me know, and we can follow each other there as well, it's an easier way to keep in touch <3
    Have a wonderful day :)


    "Saúde & Beleza - Health & Beauty"

  4. You're so pretty! Love the shirt
    Advice: make your photos and text bigger. It's a drag to have to manually do it but it makes reading so much easier!

    I'm following you now :)

  5. thank you for the comment on my blog! your floral shirt is gorgeous :D it really suits both you and the lip colour! ps, i decided to follow you too ;)
    caysie xo

    1. Awwh thanks, I was unsure about it but think its here to stay now:) Thanks so much, blog buddies hah.


  6. I love the shirt! very cute! and now I regret not buying viva glam nicki... :(

  7. I love your top! it's a really nice pattern, and i completely agree with on the fifty shades of grey thing, i've read the first book in a day!
    thanks for following my blog btw haha i'm still new and don't really know to use blogger xD


    1. Its such an easy read! Can't put it down, and I heard the 2nd one is amazing so I'm dying to get onto it:P

