Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Lancome Palette

So usually when doing my day to day eye make up I tend to favor either of the NAKED palettes. I'm not going to go into detail about them because theres a million and one blog posts about them, and it'd also be well overdue. This post is about a little Lancome Palette my mum gifted to me as she never used it. 

I decided to use it this morning and was pleasantly surprised!
I don't know the name of this palette as the sticker of the back was ripped of, I assume its old enough though. Today I used the light taupey color on the top left, then the orange color on the top right, and the dark brown on the bottom right. The colors don't have the best pigmentation, but there lovely smooth natural colors that are perfectly suited for day time. Once a primer is used underneath there perfect:)

The 2 bluey colors how an ever are amazing pigmentation, but I myself wouldn't use them as I've blue eyes.
I'll definitely be reverting back to this palette every now and again. Its also very dainty and compact so it'd be perfectly suited for sleepovers, or nights out, when you don't want to carry loads around in your bag or worry about breaking things.


  1. It appears to be an old Lancome ColorDesign palette. You can only get them on ebay now from personal sellers!

  2. Oooh I see, thats pretty cool:) And there it was hiding away in my mums make up drawer haha


  3. Hey thanks for the lovely comment on my blog! I am following you now and I hope you will do the same! :-)I know you are new to blogging so email me if you ever want any advice, anything for a fellow Made in Chelsea fan!

    Danie B

  4. Hi beauty! I see your comment in my blog and because of that I visit your blog! :) I follow you because I like this!! This palette is sooooo beauty!!:)

    Love <3

    1. Thanks so much:) I'm glad you like it!


  5. I think you could use the blue ones too but not as your main colour. Maybe try a smokey eye with grey and black and use a tiny amount in the middle of the lid just to give it a hint of colour. I think it will bring out your eyes more. :)

    1. Yeah maybe blended really well it could work, I might have to give that a try:) If I do I'll post pics

